Most of these articles are written by members
of the AJC team. |
December 13, 2018
Remembering the Anuak Massacre: Begin by Lighting Your Candle and then Your Neighbor’s Until Our Candles Bring Light Over Our Nation
Today, December 13th, will mark the fifteen year anniversary of the beginning of three days of killing and destruction in Gambella, Ethiopia that was carried out by TPLF/EPRDF national security forces, backed up by civilian militia groups they had armed with machetes. The Anuak people were targeted, especially leaders and those who were against the TPLF political repression and opposed to the federal government plans to explore oil on their indigenous land without following the legal process as set up in the Ethiopian Constitution or as required in international law regarding indigenous peoples’ rights. There was also a long-term plan to exploit the abundant fertile land and untapped natural resources.
In less than three days, 424 Anuak were killed. The Anuak continued to be targeted for nearly three years. By that time, over two thousand had been killed and many more human rights atrocities committed, including being jailed, tortured and driven by the thousands to seek refuge in neighboring countries like South Sudan and Kenya. The limited infrastructure in Gambella was largely destroyed, equipment and supplies were pilfered from clinics and schools, and homes, crops and granaries were burned. Read... |
December 13, 2016
Thirteen Years After the Massacre of the Anuak and Still No Justice for Any of Us!
(Vancouver, BC, Canada)--Today is December 13, a day which will remind the Anuak of the painful loss of their loved ones in Gambella on the same date in 2003— thirteen years ago.
It is a Day of Remembrance that is not easy for the Anuak, wherever they are in the world. It is a time that brings back memories of the horrific killing of 424 Anuak in less than three days. Destruction, pillaging and other egregious human rights abuses accompanied the slaughter of these precious lives. It signaled the beginning of a three-year period of regime brutality and intimidation that resulted in the death of nearly fifteen hundred more Anuak. This is a huge percentage among a very tiny ethnic group numbering only about 100,000 people worldwide. Thousands more Anuak fled to refugee camps. At the core was the Tigre People's Liberation Front (TPLF) regime’s plan to exploit the oil found on their indigenous land. The TPLF is an ethnic minority regime in Ethiopia makes less than the 6% precent of the Ethiopian population and it controls over 90% of the Ethiopian economy. Read... |
December 13, 2015
National Day of Remembrance for the December 13th Massacre of the Anuak
It was a day of bloodshed, horror, and sorrow no one will forget. Twelve years ago, on December 13, 2003, Anuak in the Diaspora began to receive desperate calls from family members and friends from Gambella, Ethiopia. A massacre was being carried out in Gambella town and the victims were all Anuak.
TPLF/EPRDF defense troops with guns, accompanied by militia groups they had armed with machetes and pangas, went marching through Gambella town chanting, “Today is the day for killing Anuak.” They used a list, prepared in advance by the government, that included the names of leaders, pastors, students, and some of the most educated and influential Anuak; particularly those who had challenged the TPLF/EPRDF regime’s plans for oil exploration without consulting the people and considering the environmental impact on the land and rivers of the Upper Nile. The killing continued for nearly three days with a final death count of 424 Anuak who were slain. read... |
January 31, 2015
An Open Letter from Anuak Refugees to Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank
We were forced to flee our homeland in Gambella, Ethiopia because we dared to oppose the government’s forced relocation program, known as “villagization”. We Anuaks never consented to give up our ancestral lands, which is the source of our life and our identity. We only moved out of fear. When local farmers did not agree to relocate, at night soldiers came and raped the women and beat the men. Those teachers, agriculture workers and other civil servants who refused to implement this program, including many of us, were targeted with arrest and torture. This is why we are living as refugees in neighboring countries today. read... |
December 13, 2014
This year, members of the Ethiopian community in the Greater Houston, Texas, have sent a significant gift of encouragement to the Anuak who have been uprooted from their land and homes.
December 13, 2014 will mark the 11-year anniversary of the horrific massacre of 424 Ethiopians of Anuak ethnicity in Gambella, Ethiopia. Even though it has been over a decade, it still seems like yesterday to the Anuak, especially to those who lost members of their families. Some of the victims remain in unmarked mass graves. The Anuak as well as the other people in the region have never really recovered from this traumatic tragedy, let alone the fact that no justice has been done.
Part of the reason for this is that the lives and livelihoods of the people surviving the tragedy have been in turmoil ever since. Seventy-eight thousand Anuak and others in Gambella have been forcibly evicted from their ancestral land in order to lease the land to foreign investors and TPLF/EPRDF regime cronies. The Anuak have never been consulted or compensated as would be done in a country where there was a rule of law. read... |
December 13, 2013
Remembering December 13th: Let us take this day of sorrow and make it a day of healing among all peace-loving Ethiopians.
December 13, 2013 marks the ten-year anniversary of the brutal massacre of 424 disarmed Anuak in Gambella, Ethiopia by Ethiopian National Defense Forces armed with guns and militia groups armed with machetes. Not just the families of the victims, but all Anuak, will forever remember that dark day that brought so many pains, tears and suffering.
Even after ten years, some widows, some fathers, some mothers and children are still waiting to bury their loved ones properly. Some day their bodies, which were buried in mass graves, will be exhumed and buried with proper respect by their families and loved ones. Some day a memorial of remembrance may be erected in Gambella in their honor, to remind people that behind every name on that memorial, is a human life, given as a precious gift from God, our Creator. read... |
March 13,
Ethiopian National Defense Forces Kill 6 Civilians, including US citizen in the Gambella region of Ethiopia
On March 2, 2013, seventeen Anuak men were ambushed by Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF), as they were sitting under a tree near Gilo river in a rural area in the Gambella region of southwestern Ethiopia. Six men were killed. Among those killed was a 33-year old American citizen, Omot Ojulu Odol, [B.D. 2/2/1978] who came to the U.S. as a teenager more than fifteen years ago. Mr. Odol had been visiting his homeland. read... |
October 9,
2012 |
Request for Inspection to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
On September 24, 2012, the Inspection Panel (the "Panel") received a Request for
Inspection (the "Request") related to "the World Bank-financed Ethiopia Protection of
Basic Services Project"1 in support of the Government's Promoting Basic Services
Program (hereinafter referred to as the "PBS Program" or "PBS").Z The Request was
submitted by "two local representatives" on behalf of 26 Anuak people from the Gambella
region of Ethiopia (the "Requesters"). The representatives have been authorized by two
groups of Anuak living in different locations to submit the Request. The representatives
and the Requesters have asked the Panel to keep their identities confidential "due to grave
concerns about our personal security and that of our relatives ." read... (pdf) |
September 16,
Appeal to Stop Funding Villagization Proramme in Gambella Regional State, Southwest Ethiopia
The Anuak Community leaders are hereby addressing this letter to the World
Bank headquarters in Washington DC on behalf of the Anuaks refugees and
asylum seekers based in Kenya (Dadaab, Kakuma and Nairobi). Kenya is a
country in hom of Africa hosting refugees from different countries a(;ross Africa
base in Dadaab, Kakuma and Nairobi in which Dadaab camp is the biggest
refugee's camp in the world with more than half a million refugees. read... (pdf)
Additional reading:
Letter to World Bank Board of Directors- Inclusive Development
Ethiopian Indigenous People Demand Accountability from the World Bank for Contributing to Grave Human Rights Abuses - Inclusive Development International
Policy and Legal Analysis of the Ethiopia PBS Request for Inspection - Inclusive Development International |
May 23,
2012 |
Petition to President Salva Kiir of South Sudan
We in the Anuak Justice Council call on President Salva Kiir and all others in his government to not only provide safety to the Anuak from South Sudan, but to defend and protect the rights of Anuak whose indigenous land lies on both sides of the river. read... |
April 18,
2012 |
TPLF/EPRDF Defense Forces Brazenly Murdering Innocent People in Gambella in Broad Daylight
Today, in Gambella, there is little to no accountability for TPLF/EPRDF Defense Forces who are committing rising numbers of human rights crimes against the people of the region. It used to be that murders, beatings and torture were carried out secretly in the bush or in the rural areas, but now there is no security even in the middle of Gambella town for any but those carrying the guns. As these criminal acts against the unarmed civilians in Gambella are being so easily dismissed by authorities, it is increasingly clear they are actually being condoned or promoted by higher ranking officers and government officials—all the way up to Meles. read.. |
March 27,
2012 |
Civilians Under Attack as Human Rights Violations Soar in Gambella
We call on human rights organizations, civic groups, media groups and donor countries to focus their attention on the Gambella region as the number of human rights violations—assaults, arrests, torture and disappearances—in the region are soaring due to an intense crackdown on the local people by TPLF/EPRDF troops. read... |
March 7,
2012 |
Open Letter of thanks to the International Criminal Court
The Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia and the Anuak Justice Council sincerely thank you for responding so quickly and affirmatively to our petition that asks ICC Prosecutor, Mr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, and the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to give consideration to opening an active investigation into the genocide, crimes against humanity and other human rights crimes
directed against the Anuak people of the Gambella region of Ethiopia in concordance with the Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court (ICC). read... (pdf) |
February 29,
2012 |
PBS Newshour
Ethiopia: A Battle for Land and Water
A controversial resettlement program in Ethiopia is the latest battleground in the global race to secure prized farmland and water. Correspondent Cassandra Herrman reports as part of the Food for 9 Billion series, a NewsHour partnership with the Center for Investigative Reporting, Homelands Productions and Marketplace. read and watch... |
February 19,
2012 |
Cultural Survival
Ethiopia: Stop Land Grabbing and Restore Indigenous Peoples' Lands
Ethiopia receives more foreign aid than any other African nation—upwards of $3 billion a year. Western governments see Ethiopia as a strategic bulwark in the “global fight against terrorism” and point to its progress toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals, an international program to end poverty and hunger. read ...
More Information for Ethiopia: Stop Land Grabbing and Restore Indigenous Peoples’ Lands read ... |
January 18,
2012 |
The People of Gambella Have Been Heard
(Vancouver) - The Anuak Justice Council commends Human Rights Watch for their in-depth investigation of the Government of Ethiopia’s massive resettlement program in Gambella State and its impact on indigenous populations, among which are the Anuak who have lived in the region for centuries. read ... |
January 16,
2012 |
Human Rights Watch
Ethiopia: Forced Relocations Bring Hunger, Hardship
(London) – The Ethiopian government under its “villagization” program is forcibly relocating approximately 70,000 indigenous people from the western Gambella region to new villages that lack adequate food, farmland, healthcare, and educational facilities, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. State security forces have repeatedly threatened, assaulted, and arrested villagers who resist the transfers. read ... |
January 16,
2012 |
“Waiting Here for Death”
This report in Ethiopia’s Gambella Region,” examines the first year of Gambella’s villagization program. It details the involuntary nature of the transfers, the loss of livelihoods, the deteriorating food situation, and ongoing abuses by the armed forces against the affected people. Many of the areas from which people are being moved are slated for leasing by the government for commercial agricultural development. read ... |
December 13,
2011 |
Remembering that the December 13 Massacre of the Anuak is Going On Throughout Ethiopia!
(Ottawa)--December 13-15th, 2011 marks the eighth anniversary of the Anuak genocide that began with the brutal massacre of 424 Anuak leaders and young students in less than three days, but continued for another two years. Up to 1,500 more were killed, many more atrocities were committed and the limited infrastructure of the region was significantly destroyed. Today we clearly understand that the TPLF/EPRDF’s intent was to take over control of the land, water, oil and natural resources from the Anuak and other indigenous people in the region—the Nuer, the Majanger, the Opo and the Komi. read... |
December 3,
2011 |
Anuak Mourn the Passing of Their Anuak King in Southern Sudan
The Anuak Justice Council shares in the profound grief of all Anuak and friends of the Anuak throughout the world upon the loss of the king of the Anuak, His Majesty King Adongo Agada Akwai Cham, who died on November 30, 2011 following a serious illness. After seeking medical help in India and Kenya, he passed away in Nairobi, Kenya, only ten years after he assumed the throne of the Anuak kingdom in 2001. read... read in Amharic... (pdf) |
April 10,
2011 |
Open Letter to Mr. Haile Mariam Dessalegn, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia
On behalf of the Anuak Community Association of North America (ACANA), the Anuak Women’s Association, the Anuak Youth Association, the Anuak Community in Kenya, the Anuak Community in Sudan, the Anuak Community in Canada, the Anuak Churches Council in USA, the Anuak Community in Australia, the Anuak Community in Europe and Anuak Justice Council (AJC), together, we are writing this notice of intended action to you in defense of the Anuak and other people of Gambella, whose land is being forcibly taken from them. read... |
March 21,
2011 |
Ethiopia at centre of global farmland rush
It's the deal of the century: £150 a week to lease more than 2,500 sq km (1,000 sq miles) of virgin, fertile land – an area the size of Dorset – for 50 years. Bangalore-based food company Karuturi Global says it had not even seen the land when it was offered by the Ethiopian government with tax breaks thrown in. read... |
March 21,
2011 |
Ethiopia's land rush: Feeding the world
John Vidal reports from Ethiopia's remote Gambella region, where foreign investors are pouring in to exploit land the government has cleared of people read...
View Virgin Land |
January 3,
2011 |
Public Backlash Against Forced Evictions from Land a Certainty!
The Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia has recently acquired the Ethiopian government’s official report, “Villagization Program Action Plan,” which gives many specific details of their plan to resettle 49 villages in Gambella Peoples National Regional State in the upcoming months and year. A total of 45,000 households will be targeted to move from homes and land occupied for generations. This totals approximately 225,000 people according to government calculations of five members per household.
read (pdf)... read report(pdf)... |
December 15, 2010 |
Ethiopia's Land Issue
BBC Business Daily |
Business Daily looks at one of the boldest land investment programmes in Africa. The Ethiopian government is aiming to lease out farmland to foreign investors. But what do the local people think? read... |
December 13, 2010 |
Video of Anuak Genocide Survivors
On December 13, 2003, members of the Ethiopian military from the ENDF’s 43rd Division entered Gambella town in southwestern Ethiopia. Over the course of three days, they sought out, tortured and killed 424 men, burned houses, and scattered families. Since that time, the genocide and crimes against humanity have continued, raising the death toll between 1,500 and 2,500, and causing more than 10,000 Anuak to flee. This video presents detailed accounts or testimonies of the Anuak genocide survivors. view... |
December 11, 2010 |
Ethiopia: The Anuak's Forgotten Genocide
The Huffington Post - Alemayehu G. Mariam |
As you know, November and December are very sad months for Ethiopians. In November 2005, following the election that year, hundreds of unarmed demonstrators were massacred in the streets. The world knows a lot about those crimes. But I am not sure if too many people other than the Anuak remember what happened in December in 2003. read... |
November 10, 2010 |
Responses to the following statements by the Chief Executive Officer of the Karuturi Global Ltd, Mr. Sai Ramakrishna Karuturi:
- No one has been displaced.
- They chose Gambella as it is relatively thinly-populated.
- Ethiopia has 80 million hectares of arable land and only 12 cultivated.
- There was discussion of relocation of the people of Elliah [Ilea]
April 3, 2010 |
Security Forces Clamp Down in Gambella as Shootings, intimidation, rumors of large-scale arrests and more troops Threaten Region |
New threats are again on the rise in Gambella as the Meles government attempts to exert increasing federal control of the region, leading to new clampdowns against civilians. Many believe that these actions are meant to suppress the deepening local protest over the increasing land-grabs, the upcoming pre-determined election—where names of election ‘winners’ have already been leaked—and to the increasing pressure by government authorities on the citizens to cover up the real perpetrators of the 2003 genocide of the Anuak by attributing the blame to the Anuak themselves. read... |
March 8, 2010 |
Letter to Justice Navanathem Pillay, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights
Dr. Gregory Stanton - Genocide Watch
No one has ever been brought to justice in Ethiopia for the massacre of 424 Anuak in Gambella, Ethiopia on December 13-16, 2003, and genocidal massacres that killed one thousand more Anuak in 2004... A culture of impunity exists. Investigation by the High Commissioner for Human Rights is critical. read... |
to top |
January 23, 2010 |
Notice to Ethiopians: You are Being Evicted from Ethiopia — You are Unwanted! |
Imagine this notice being posted in Ethiopia:
People of Ethiopia:
You are hereby warned; you are being given notice of your eviction from the country. You are no longer welcome here. Find a new place to live. We do not care where. All we want is your land, water and resources. They are no longer yours; but now are ours. If you resist, you will suffer the consequences. On the other hand, if you are willing to become part of a neo-slave labor force or to silently give up any claims to anything, you may stay as long as you are useful and compliant. We and our partners stand to make millions, if not billions, from this new economic investment and we will tolerate NO interference from you!
Truly not yours,
The Anti-Ethiopian TPLF/EPRDF government of the few elite and entitled read...
December 13 , 2009 |
Remembering the Anuak Massacre of December 13, 2003 - Do Not Rest Until Justice Comes to Ethiopia |
On December 13-15, 2009, it will be six years since the massacre of 424 Anuak in Gambella, Ethiopia followed by nearly two more years of widespread extrajudicial killings, rape, torture, imprisonment, disappearances and destruction. By the end of this time, another 1500 Anuak from this very tiny ethnic group, numbering less than 100,000 worldwide and less than .01% of the Ethiopian population, were killed.
Wondering what thoughts were on the minds of the Anuak in Gambella at this anniversary of their darkest of days or what changes they might have seen during these years, we in the Anuak Justice Council contacted some of the Anuak to ask this question. One Anuak man said, “Thank you for asking me what has changed in the six years. The answer is not a lot. We still do not know where the bones of our people are, not one single killer has been brought to justice and we still are not free.” read...
Listen to Voice of America radio broadcast. (Amharic) |
March 24,
2009 |
Open Letter to Prime Minister Gordon Brown |
We in the Solidarity Movement for a
New Ethiopia, and on behalf of the Ethiopian people,
strongly urge you to reconsider the inclusion
of Mr. Meles Zenawi as a guest at the upcoming
G-20 meeting to be held in London. By inviting
this man to represent the whole of Africa, allowing
him to stand side by side with leaders from free
countries who have been elected by their people,
you are sending a disturbing message to oppressed
people that brutal leaders can terrorize their
people and still be rewarded with undeserved impunity
in such circles of power. read...
2009 |
Address to the Ethiopian National Congress |
I knew that coming
together in solidarity would require that we improved our relationships and
our respect for each other. I knew that such relationships could transform our
society into a new, more welcoming Ethiopia. This is the kind of Ethiopia for
which I hope and dream! read... |
February 23,
2009 |
What Price for a
Reconciled Ethiopia? |
The responses we
received to the last article by the Solidarity Movement
for a New Ethiopia, “AigaForum
versus Obang Metho: Is there Racism in Ethiopia?,”
were overwhelming and it has become clear that this
issue of racism is something that must continue to be
addressed. The purpose of this article is to give the
public information on the responses we received and
to offer suggestions to help us to productively move
forward in this discussion. One of our main goal is
the reconciliation of Ethiopians. read...
2009 |
versus Obang Metho: Is there Racism in Ethiopia? |
the morning of February 4 I learned that my picture
was posted alongside the picture of Michael Steele,
the new chairman of the Republican National Committee
(RNC) with the header over our pictures: “Window
Dressing,” accompanied by a short article where
it was claimed that we were both being “used”
by our respective groups to falsely present the impression
that minorities had a meaningful role within their power
structures when in fact, such roles were only reserved
for “insiders.” My phone has not stopped
ringing ever since... read...
to top |
February 10,
2009 |
Organizing a 100,000
person Ethiopian March for Freedom, Justice and Peace
in Washington D.C. |
PDF In Amharic read...
2009 |
Mutual Challenge: Silently Becoming Our Words through
Our Actions |
are pleased to know that Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam,
is now publicly endorsing so many of the ideas and principles
of the Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia,
as demonstrated in his recent article, “Close
Ranks, Open Hearts and Minds, Shake Hands and Get Busy.”
We hope that these ideas and principles continue to
spread to others because we are convinced that it will
be on such a foundation that the “NEW
ETHIOPIA” will be built. read...
January 23,
2009 |
Solidarity Movement
Calls for Names of All Political Prisoners |
must replace the ingredients that are poisoning our
society—the tribalism, deceit, blaming, sabotage,
destructive competition, victim mentality and moral
weakness that results in our failing to stand together
in joint opposition to systemic evil. Part of standing
up against such evil requires that we expose the depth,
height and breadth of political repression within Ethiopia.
One way to do that is to gather better documentation
on the names and circumstances of all our Ethiopian
political prisoners. read...
2009 |
Endorses January 14th Rallies Throughout the World to
Free Birtukan, Teddy Afro, Bekele Jirata and All Ethiopian
Political Prisoners! |
are pleased with the very positive responses we have
received from numerous diverse Ethiopian groups who
indicate a willingness to sign a collective letter calling
for an end to tyranny in Ethiopia. Such a letter would
be addressed to policymakers in key donor countries,
to the media and to other strategic leaders asking them
to stand with the Ethiopian people against the oppressive
policies of the current government of Meles Zenawi.
January 7,
2009 |
Organizing a 100,000
person Ethiopian March for Freedom, Justice and Peace
in Washington D.C. |
in Amharic read...
2009 |
2009 Become the Year of Ethiopian Independence from Dictators? |
2009 be different from 2008—a year filled with
increasing misery, repression and violence in Ethiopia
and of apathy, disillusionment and division in the Diaspora?
I say, yes, but only if we Ethiopians now demonstrate
that we are prepared for new solidarity around shared
goals, principles and values so we can speak with “one
voice” that has been missing!
Injustice in Ethiopia is everywhere
and it is an astounding testimony of EPRDF arrogance—how
they seem to believe they can continue to operate as
they please within their self-established “culture
of impunity,” even boldly imprisoning leaders
on absurd grounds such as Birtukan. Let 2009 be the
year we say, “We have had enough!” read...
to top |
December 30,
2008 |
The EPRDF Shudders
at Truth |
many Ethiopians are dead, beaten or in prison for upholding
God-given principles in defiance to a system that punishes
its people for standing up against lies and injustice?
...We in the Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia
(SMNE) condemn the recent imprisonment of Ms. Bertukan
Mideksa, the chairwoman of the Coalition for Unity and
Democracy Party (CUDP), the beating of Professor Mesfin
and the intimidation of the UDJP opposition party or
any other political party seeking its legitimate constitutional
right to freely operate within Ethiopia. read...
2008 |
You See? Are the Skies Brightening Over Ethiopia? |
want to extend my greetings to all of my fellow Ethiopian
brothers and sisters throughout the world... Some have
asked me why I am advocating for all people—including
Woyanne supporters. The reason is because I do not want
what happened in Gambella to happen to any other Ethiopian
ethnic group. Tragically, I know that this government
has purposely deepened the hostility between people
and if it is not handled properly, it could get out
of control and cause unjustifiable killing and misery.
I do not want another December 13th anywhere in Ethiopia.
I am also certain no one wants Ethiopia to be another
Rwanda, yet the seeds of hate, based on ethnicity, can
take many forms. read... read
in Amharic...
December 13,
2008 |
Remembering December
13th: Let us take this day of sorrow and make it a day
of reconciliation and healing among all peace-loving Ethiopians. |
13, 2008 marks the five-year anniversary of the brutal
massacre of 424 disarmed Anuak in Gambella, Ethiopia
by Ethiopian National Defense Forces armed with guns
and militia groups armed with machetes. Not just the
families of the victims, but all Anuak, will forever
remember that dark day that brought so many pains, tears
and suffering. read...
2008 |
Struggle of the Ethiopian People for a Voice in Our Own
Future Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia: Report
from London |
I looked at the Ethiopians attending the meeting, even
though I did not know their names, their tribes, their
religion, their regional background, their political
association, their native language or any other particulars
about them, I did know that they were there because
they cared about what happens in Ethiopia. I also told
them that I would be speaking with honesty and without
any hatred ..., because hatred is what has led to our
misery. read...
November 18,
2008 |
Report on Solidarity
Movement Meeting in Minnesota: Building Bridges of Solidarity
to a New Ethiopia |
Ethiopians come together in solidarity to build a bridge
to a new Ethiopia or are we doomed to suffering, division
and eternal failure? It all depends on how we build
it was the consensus of the meeting held on November
16, 2008 at the University of Minnesota called by the
Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia and sponsored
by some local Ethiopian organizations. read...
2008 |
Obama has Opened Up a New Door of Opportunity and Now
We Must Move Ahead! |
you as an Ethiopian identify with Obama’s win
as signifying the importance of reaching out to many
diverse groups and breaking down racial and ethnic barriers,
then you too must be willing to do the same for Ethiopia.
Each and every Ethiopian needs to do the same. read...
to top |
October 26,
2008 |
Obang Talks About
“The Obama Factor” What Will an Obama Win
Mean to Ethiopians? |
and his message is resonating with Ethiopians and I
want to explore the pros and cons of this phenomenon
for us as Ethiopians. This is not a political rally
for him meant to persuade more people to vote for him.
This meeting is for both Obama and McCain supporters.
2008 |
Ethiopian Individuals Are Doing About the Hunger Crisis |
want to update you on the very positive response we
are continuing to receive from Ethiopians who want to
help their fellow Ethiopians who are in greatest need.
We are also seeking personal stories as well as pictures
and videos that can tell the story of the devastating
starvation and need for help as well as other inspiring
stories telling or showing, how average Ethiopians are
helping in the lives of individual people through their
gifts of compassion. read...
October 10,
2008 |
What is the Solidarity
Movement for a New Ethiopia? |
The Solidarity
Movement for a New Ethiopia is a grass-roots, non-political
pan-Ethiopian movement whose mission is to mobilize
a viable alliance of Ethiopians, irrespective of ethnic
or regional background, religious affiliation or political
tilt, with the task of identifying and resolving issues
and conflicts through peaceful dialogue. read...
2008 |
Respond to the Call to help with the Starvation at home
but Many More are Needed! |
read... |
September 26,
2008 |
Open Letter to Ethiopian
Concerning Starvation |
I am addressing
this letter to every Ethiopian, especially those in
the Diaspora. A huge and urgent food crisis is endangering
the lives of countless Ethiopians back home and we must
wake up to the reality of it or millions of lives will
be lost! read...
2008 |
Hunger for Compassion in the Ethiopian New Year |
one year ago we Ethiopians celebrated the New Ethiopian
Millennium with many hope-filled celebrations that the
“turn of the millennium” would bring a “turn
around” for Ethiopians. Unfortunately, as most
every Ethiopian knows, we have instead experienced worsening
conditions in Ethiopia in almost every arena, with little
promise that our situation will not continue to decline.
to top |
September 10,
2008 |
for Africa: Exercising our Influence in the Upcoming Elections
in Canada and in the United States |
This is a golden
moment of opportunity for Ethiopians and Africans! Both
Canada and the United States will have national elections
within the next two months. If Ethiopians mobilize and
work together, we can press candidates running for elections
both in Canada and in the United States to better represent
our interests both here and in Ethiopia and Africa. read...
2008 |
on Ethiopia |
on Ethiopia Offers New Solutions to the Question: “Where
Do We Go From Here?” |
August 30,
2008 |
Obang's Prayer at
the Solidarity symposium |
We call on you
today because you are our only hope for the future....
We Ethiopians are in a desperate place, resulting from
our failure to listen to you. Instead, we have turned
away in rebellion, pride and self-reliance, thinking
we do not need you. But now, we are in the midst of
such a grave crisis that it threatens our very survival
as a people. We come to you for your help and guidance
in leading us out from the pit of despair, misery and
suffering. read...
2008 |
Speak Out for Your Fellow Ethiopians! No One is Free until
We All are Free! |
killing has now erupted in the city of Hagere-Mariam,
first starting in the small town of Soyama, sixty kilometers
to the west of Hagere-Mariam in the Sidamo region of
Ethiopia. Reports I am receiving from people on the
ground indicate that the Burji, a tiny ethnic group
in the region numbering less than 50,000, are being
targeted by some Guji, a much larger ethnic group, numbering
over two million, who also live in the area. The local
administration in Hagere-Mariam is run by the ethnic
Guji. read...
August 20,
2008 |
"My Journey
of Faith," St. Mark's Anglican Church, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan |
I could never have
imagined it before a life-changing event in December
of 2003 threw my quiet life in Saskatoon into a journey
with deep valleys, deserts and mountains that I could
never have anticipated. As I stand before you today,
I am witness to the truth that God dramatically changes
lives when we least expect it! read...
2008 |
Has Leaders Who Can Build Bridges to a New Ethiopia! -
tell me that the movement for freedom and justice in
Ethiopia has died because we do not have the leaders
who can give us a vision for a new Ethiopia and who
can demonstrate it by their actions. I may have agreed
with this statement before, but no longer do so because
I have discovered that we have some of the best leaders
among us that we could ever ask for—qualified,
capable and full of personal integrity and character. read...
to top |
August 13,
2008 |
Invitation to Organizations
Concerned About Ethiopia to Participate in a Symposium
On: “Where Do We Go From Here?” |
Saturday, August
30, 2008 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM Unification Church, 1610
Columbia Rd, NW, Washington D.C. read...
2008 |
Must We Prepare for a Harvest of Freedom? |
has become a place of massive and repetitive crop failures,
both literally and figuratively. We are reaping what
we have sown for years—and our harvest is inadequate
to meet the needs of our people in terms of food, but
our biggest crisis is the harvest of destruction, oppression
and tyranny that happens when crops of hope are planted
in rocky and infertile soil. The question is: how can
we prepare the soil for a “harvest of freedom
when most Ethiopians are sitting back expecting someone
else to do the work or are actively sabotaging the work
of others in order to advance their own interests?” read...
July 25,
2008 |
Message to Ethiopian
Muslim Leaders at the Badr 8th Annual Conference in Toronto,
Canada |
and Opportunities for Ethiopian Muslims as Advocates
for Human Rights in Ethiopia: Ethiopia Needs You! read...
2008 |
in Unreality: The Disconnected World of Ethiopians |
was recently in Washington D.C. to speak at the Ethiopian
Border Commission Meeting as well as to attend the Ethiopian
Sport Federation sponsored soccer games, political meetings
and other Ethiopian events, all packed into one week.
My days were filled with intense political meetings
and serious discussions regarding the abysmal condition
of Ethiopia and what to do about it, but when I attended
the soccer games at the stadium and the Union Station’s
Nightclub event for young Ethiopians it was as if I
had entered a totally different world from the first.
read... |
July 2,
2008 |
Address to Ethiopians
in Washington DC |
Why Should
All Ethiopians See the Border Issue as a Collective
Threat to Our Existence as a Nation and People? read...
2008 |
in Ethiopia: Meles Will Ultimately Fall—Are We Ready? |
failures of the Meles regime are rapidly accumulating
and not only Ethiopians know about it now... The pressing
question now is whether Ethiopians are ready with solutions
to the many crises facing Ethiopians should this regime
suddenly fall. Unfortunately, I think we are not! We
have spent far too much time concentrating on our complaints,
but too little time on solutions.
read... read
in Amharic... |
to top |
June 17,
2008 |
Human Rights Abusers:
“Watch Out, You May Not Find the West a Safe Haven
Anymore!” |
As pleased as the
Anuak Justice Council is with the recent decision by
Canadian authorities to deny entry into Canada to Omot
Obang Olum, the Anuak governor of the Gambella region
suspected of complicity in the Anuak massacre of 2003,
we are far more pleased with the prospects of what this
means to other Ethiopians suspected of genocide, war
crimes and crimes against humanity who may attempt to
seek entry or asylum in the West.
2008 |
Governor of Gambella, Accused of Deep Involvement in Crimes
Against Humanity, has been Denied a Visa to Enter Canada |
Omot Obang Olum, the Gambella Region Governor who was
appointed to his position following his suspected collaboration
with the EPRDF regime of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi
in the massacre of 424 Anuak leaders in Gambella in
December of 2003, has had his visa application for entry
into Canada denied by Canadian government officials
late on Friday, June 6, 2008.
read... |
May 30,
2008 |
Un-elected Gambella
Governor: The Choice is Yours--Exploitation or Apology?
The Anuak Justice
Council wishes to make it known that the Director of
International Advocacy, Mr. Obang Metho, will not be
attending the meeting with un-elected and illegitimate
Omot Obang Olum in Minneapolis on Saturday, May 31,
2008 or in Calgary, Canada on June 7, 2008 because it
is not seen to be a legitimate venue to address the
human rights crimes committed against his own people,
the Anuak, over the last ten years. read...
2008 |
Governor: Truth and Justice First! |
is Omot Obang Olum? We Anuak know him to be a loyal
collaborator with the EPRDF government of Meles Zenawi.
He has paid dearly for his favored relationship with
the Woyane with our Anuak blood. So why is he coming
to Minnesota and Canada for the purpose of meeting with
the Anuak? read... |
May 25,
2008 |
The Worldwide March
Committee for Freedom and Justice Follow Up Report |
The Worldwide
March Committee for Freedom and Justice, held from
May 15-18 was a great effort by hundreds of organizers
and participants in Ethiopian cities and communities
throughout the world. We want to thank all of those
organizers who worked so hard and devoted countless
hours to bring it all together in a relatively short
period of time! read...
2008 |
March Events, May 15-18: Telling the Truth about Ethiopia |
events will publicly demonstrate that the Ethiopian
peoples’ thirst for freedom, human rights, justice
and democracy will not die despite the hijacking of
the last election and the increasing repression within
the country. This has been a huge organizational task
and will not be perfect, but it is the beginning. Let
the sleeping giant—the freedom loving people of
Ethiopia—awaken and rise up for truth and right!
read... |
to top |
May 5,
2008 |
Attempt to use Ethnic Isolation With “Incentives”
to Silence Gambellans Fails |
isolation accompanied by promised development and other
“payoffs” for “your group” in
exchange for your compliance with the EPRDF government
of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is a favorite approach
by this regime. read... |
April 22,
2008 |
for an Ethiopian rally for Freedom and Justice |
response to the call for an Ethiopian rally for Freedom
and Justice on May 15-18, 2008 has been overwhelming!
I have heard from Ethiopians in thirteen countries and
in over thirty cities within these countries, all voicing
their desire to participate. read... |
April 15,
2008 |
Movement for New Ethiopia Begins with a Worldwide Peaceful
March for Freedom and Justice on May 15, 2008! |
15, 2008, just one month from today, will mark the third
anniversary of the Ethiopian National Election of 2005
when 26 million Ethiopians came out to vote for change
in Ethiopia—and won... On May 15, 2008 and the
following weekend, from wherever you are, let us come
together in a worldwide demonstration to show Meles
and his supporters that he has NOT
silenced Ethiopians despite clamping down more tightly
on every one of our freedoms. read... |
2008 |
Obang Metho addresses law students and faculty at the
College of Law, University of Saskatchewan |
Law: Does it Create Barriers in Access to Justice? The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Geneva Convention,
the Rome statutes—what do these mean to the world,
especially to those suffering the worst violations of
these principles, laws and codes around the world? read... |
March 8,
2008 |
An Open
Letter to Ethiopians: Concerning the discouragement that
has taken such a huge toll on our movement for freedom,
justice and equality. |
Obang Metho, am writing this letter to you to address
the problem of discouragement that has taken such a
huge toll on our movement for freedom, justice, equality
and democracy. What I am hearing in most every recent
phone call, email and communication is that many Ethiopians
are just too hurt, disappointed and discouraged over
the failure of all political organizations to unite
and move forward to bring freedom, justice, peace, stability
and prosperity to Ethiopia and because of that, no one
should expect them to do anything more at this time.
Instead, they are giving up and have decided instead
to just carry on with their own lives. read... |
2008 |
A tribute
to James Edward Orange! |
Reverend James Edward Orange: The Dream for Justice
Lives On in Us! read... |
to top |
2008 |
The Roosters
are Crowing:
It’s Time for Africans to Sweep Our Huts Clean of
Dirty Politics |
African roosters are crowing from the north to the south
to the east and to the west as the first rays of dawn’s
light are cracking through the darkness hanging over
Africa. From all over the continent, Africans are awakening
to a new understanding of their God-given rights, their
democratic rights and with them, to the desire to rule
themselves. No longer are they willing to put up with
a legacy of corrupt, greedy and power-hungry dictators,
no different from the colonizers, who controlled the
continent for years with their evil policies of divide
and conquer. read... |
2008 |
New Year! |
A Message
of Hope for the New Year from the Anuak Justice Council!
2007 |
is wrong with Ethiopia? |
is becoming very obvious is that it all depends who
you ask. We speak to many Ethiopians every day who tell
us about the desperate conditions of the people within
Ethiopia. From Ogadenis and reporters like Jeffrey Gettleman
of the New York Times, we hear of the horrific human
rights abuses and an increasingly worsening humanitarian
crisis surpassing that of Darfur in the Ogaden. read...
2007 |
the fourth anniversary of the Anuak massacre in
Gambella, Ethiopia |
years have now passed since the Anuak witnessed a horrific
slaughter of their loved ones by Ethiopian Prime Minister
Meles Zenawi’s military forces and some other
pro-EPRDF government militia groups. The painful wounds
from those losses will be reopened as many Anuak throughout
Ethiopia and in the Diaspora observe the fourth memorial
of this genocide that took place in Gambella. read... |
2007 |
to the to the students and faculty of Bethel University,
Saint Paul, Minnesota |
years ago, when someone asked me whether I was a Christian,
I said, “I’m a Sunday Christian.”
In other words, I went to church, but it was only skin
deep. But then, something happened and God reached out
to me, and my life has changed forever. It all began
with the most tragic event I have ever experienced—the
genocide of my people which began on December 13, 2003.
read... |
2007 |
release for Ethiopian Human Rights in the Next Millennium
event |
a historic meeting, representatives from diverse regions
of Ethiopia came together at the Ethiopian Human
Rights in the Next Millennium event to share their
concern for the dismal state of human rights in the
country. read... |
to top |
2007 |
to the Human Rights for Ethiopians in the Next Millennium |
It is exciting for me to be here with other Ethiopians
from all over our country who will contribute in their
unique way in creating something much greater and grander—an
Ethiopia that is not in pieces, but is one. read... |
2007 |
to the Ethiopian Community in Los Angeles, California:
at the Little Ethiopia Fifth Annual Cultural Festival |
I have said before and that I will say again is that
what makes Ethiopia, and now Little Ethiopia, so beautiful
is that you are like a garden of not just one color
of flower, but instead, one with many varieties and
differences.... A new Ethiopia means putting humankind
before Ethiopia. An Ethiopia whose identity is found
in how we fear God and as result, how we truly value
each other, is an Ethiopia that will emerge as a home
to humanity. As Little Ethiopia is a reflection of Ethiopia,
may Ethiopia become a reflection of God’s kingdom
here on earth. read... |
2007 |
Inhofe Reports Ethiopia’s Great Progress in Democracy
Building and Human Rights? |
If Oklahoma
Senator James Inhofe and other senators are open to listening,
we know that these inaccuracies could easily be dispelled
with all the evidence we have from reputable sources from
the ground. However, unfortunately, most of us are painfully
aware that some of our best advocates to do so-the Kinijit
leaders now in the U.S., who have been locked up for the
last 21 months in Kaliti prison-are embroiled in their
own internal battle that has essentially disempowered
not only them, but all of us at the same time. It has
left many of us confused at either their reluctance or
inability to settle this conflict by active unity or by
clearly separating. Instead, it continues, and as it does,
it daily takes on new casualties. read... |
2007 |
in the Third Millennium—Where Do We Go From Here? |
have much to celebrate in our struggle for justice,
but it is not a time to sit back and rest. There is
major work still to be done and we cannot stand by and
be spectators, waiting for others to do it for us. Instead,
we all must get ready for what may be the most difficult
part of our battle for a new Ethiopia—a movement
of united people—representative of all Ethiopians—that
will bring about the Ethiopia we want for tomorrow.
Right now, the celebrations must be quieted and the
difficult work of transformation must begin. May God
be our leader, guide and protector as each of us humbly
carries out whatever our part might be. read... |
2007 |
Letter to the Kinijit or CUDP Leaders |
Dear Chairman
Mr. Hailu Shawel and Executive Members of the Kinijit:
I am writing this letter to you with deep respect and
gratefulness to all of you for what you have done for
our beloved country... Many Ethiopians have been anxiously
looking forward to this day after experiencing the pain
and despair we felt during the past twenty months of your
imprisonment. Our excitement was tempered with the realization
that we had won a battle, but not the war as many remain
in prison throughout our country and many Ethiopians continue
to suffer. read... |
2007 |
letter to Ms. Beyoncé Knowles |
your performance at the Ethiopian Millennium Celebration
is part of a larger performance put on by the Ethiopian
government. Do you really want to be part of it?”
(PDF) read... |
to top |
August 27,
2007 |
Metho Addresses Ogadenis in Minnesota:
“Let us Break Down the Invisible Fences of Ethiopia!”
The first
step is for all Ethiopians to get to know each other as
unique people and as fellow human beings, then to acknowledge
whatever pain and suffering we have might have caused
each other and then reconcile. In the case of the Anuak
and the Ogedenis, we have few, if any, conflicts or hard
feelings between us since we were so unaware of the others’
existence! read... |
2007 |
to the Oromo Community in Minnesota: If Woyane Can Unify,
Why Can’t We? |
can easily agree when the Oromo tell us that they have
been colonized, hated and enslaved within Ethiopia.
We can also agree when the Oromo tell us that they have
been denied their rights and called Galla— or
slaves, across the country, just like the Anuak or the
other darker-skinned ethnic Ethiopian people have been
called Baria—or slaves. read... |
July 25,
2007 |
to the Ethiopian Canadians |
We are
thrilled with the release of the 38 political leaders,
human rights defenders, journalists and political activists
this past week, yet the crisis in Ethiopia remains serious
despite this good news. Instead, it is time for increased
action.. read...
2007 |
of the Opposition leaders |
We Ethiopians
are rejoicing, wherever we are—in or outside of
Ethiopia, at the release on Friday of the Opposition leaders,
journalists, human rights defenders, political activists
and others from Kaliti prison. read...
July 18,
2007 |
Letter to the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
I am writing
this letter to you, not only on behalf of concerned citizens
of the United States and Canada of Ethiopian heritage,
but as concerned citizens of the world who are standing
for justice. We call the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Foreign
Relations on Africa to call a hearing to review foreign
policy related to Ethiopia. read...
2007 |
Report - Part 1 |
in Transformation: Becoming People of Action! - Part I
of a report on the Ethiopian movement for peace, justice
and freedom in Europe. read...
to top |
July 9,
2007 |
in the Ogaden need our help! |
As most
Ethiopians come out with outrage to the guilty verdict
against the Opposition leaders and other political prisoners,
we should come out with outrage to the killing going on
in the Ogaden against our fellow Ethiopians living there.
2007 |
up Ethiopians! |
Each one
of us is now a leader against the terrorism of our people!
We come out in condemnation of the unjust guilty verdict
against our opposition leaders, journalists and human
rights defenders! Yet, instead of it being a deathblow
to our movement for freedom and democracy, we have now
received our marching orders! We are declaring a new “War
on Terror: Ethiopia!” read...
May 25,
2007 |
Religious Leaders: “Call Our People to Prayer! Our
People are Desperate!” |
We are
calling on all Ethiopian religious and spiritual leaders
to rise up from wherever you are to lead a movement of
prayer for our country and to take an active stand on
behalf of the people of Ethiopia who are in great suffering.
As people of faith, we must lead the way in kneeling in
submission, humility and repentance before our God...
May 4,
2007 |
to Ethiopian Canadians: We Need to Organize! |
We call
on all Ethiopian Canadians to organize a coalition movement
for the advancement of human rights for those in Ethiopia
as well as for the rights and well being of every Ethiopian
in Canada and in the Diaspora. read...
April 28,
2007 |
at Gasha for Ethiopians in Washington, DC |
It is a
new, historic and courageous step as many Tigrayans publicly
and jointly come forward as Ethiopians and are joining
other Ethiopians in their struggle towards freedom, democracy,
equality, peace and the rule of law in Ethiopia.
read... |
2007 |
Attack on Anuak Raises Questions of EPRDF Involvement |
On April
10, 2007, a small ethnic group from Sudan, the Murle,
crossed over the Ethiopian border and killed 37 people,
mostly men, and injured more than 60 others from the Anuak
ethnic group. The incident occurred in the oil-rich Jor
District, a remote area within the Gambella Region of
Ethiopia. When regional police officers were dispatched
to the area, seven of the police officers were killed—most
of them also of Anuak ethnicity. When calls for help went
out to the federal government for backup, they were refused.
to top |
April 20,
2007 |
A New
Ethiopia: Calling All Youth to Join the Struggle for Freedom,
Morality and the Fear of God in Ethiopia—You are
Needed! |
A new Ethiopia
is needed! We call on our youth to join us in our struggle
for freedom, morality and the fear of God in Ethiopia!
We have come a long ways towards achieving our goals in
Ethiopia, but the last part of that struggle may be the
hardest and things may get worse before they get better!
2007 |
Beware: Recovering Our Stolen Identity |
think! Ignore your conscience! Invest with quick approval-
purchase land or property in Ethiopia with one simple
condition – refrain from speaking against EPDRF!
Help us suppress the restless poor! Forget about their
rights! It’s easy- just invest your money and get
rich! We will even displace the poor to help you find
the perfect location for you to build your new home.
2007 |
Letter to Prime Minister Meles Zenawi |
I, Obang
Metho, am contacting you regarding the gross human rights
abuses and current crisis within Ethiopia as I want to
make some suggestions to you as the leader of Ethiopia,
as an elder to me and as a fellow human being on this
earth. Despite our differences—of our actions, beliefs,
positions, backgrounds, ages and situations, when it comes
down to the basics, we are both equal in the eyes of God
and both needful of His mercy. read...
2007 |
of Ethiopia, Ethiopia Needs You in Our Struggle for Justice,
Peace, Equality and Freedom! |
We need
your ideas, influence, expertise, compassion, strength,
faith, wisdom and prayers to give birth to a new society
of Ethiopia that values each human being as being precious
and equal in God’s eyes. read...
2007 |
for Urgent Action |
Call for
Urgent Action to Address Human Rights and Justice Crisis
in Ethiopia. You can help by distributing the accompanying
press release before February 19. read...
2007 |
is the cure for our current disease |
What lessons
have we Ethiopians learned in 2006?... We must realize
that we are infected by a widely spreading virus which
requires one shot to cure--that shot is our UNITY. read...
to top |
2007 |
on Trial, - Martin Luther King, Jr. 4th Annual Human
Rights Symposium, |
mother continent of Africa remains the poorest continent
in the world in terms of education, health care, income
level and overall well-being, despite being one of the
richest continents in terms of natural resources.....
One has to ask why this is happening and when it will
end, if ever! To me, it will not end without all Africans
joining together and finding a meaningful ways to discover
who we are. read...
2006 |
Zenawi: A Terrorist Fighting War on Terror? |
Who is
Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia? Is he the free
world’s partner in the War on Terror or is he a
terrorist? ...Even this week, we have received reports,
yet uncorroborated, that Meles has supplied arms to a
tribe in Southern Sudan with the directive of killing
Anuak there. read...
2006 |
The Three
Year Anniversary of the Anuak Massacre and Meles Finds
Mengistu Guilty of Genocide! |
Only one
day divides the verdict of genocide against Mengistu from
the three-year anniversary of the massacre of the Anuak
in Gambella. Ironically, it is Prime Minister Meles Zenawi,
whose EPRDF courts found Mengistu guilty and who has imprisoned
members of the Opposition Party on false charges of inciting
genocide, who may some day himself face such charges of
genocide against the Anuak. This is because some believe
that what was done to the Anuak, under the authority of
the Meles government, actually better meets the definition
of genocide under international law. read... |
2006 |
Of Democracy in Ethiopia Priemere Coverage in Boston
, MA - Agubida TV |
to the showing of the documentary, Betrayal Of Democracy
in Ethiopia view
video... |
2006 |
Who are
these people Meles is “using” to fight his
war? |
Are they
not the same people he has been terrorizing for years?
Are they not the same people whom he has silenced by bullets?
read... |
2006 |
The International
Citizens’ Tribunal for Sudan |
Members of this International Citizens’ Tribunal:
We are gathered here today at the International Citizens'
Tribunal for Sudan to bring the defendant, President
Omar al-Bashir of the Sudan, to justice. He is indicted
on eleven separate charges brought by the prosecution
team. read... |
to top |
2006 |
of the EPRDF Hate Plan to Divide Muslims and Christians! |
Anuak Justice Council calls Ethiopians to not seek revenge
against Muslims or Christians for the recent religiously
based killings in Ethiopia. Instead, Ethiopians are
urged to exercise extreme caution as this conflict may
not be about religion at all, but be about the EPRDF.
The AJC calls on all leaders, especially in the religious
community, to guide your people towards forgiveness
and reconciliation. read... |
2006 |
in PDF format |
Mr. Metho
and Prof. Mariam call on Ethiopians everywhere to get
engaged and actively educate people about the human rights
abuses in Ethiopia. read... |
2006 |
Annual Policy
Conference of the Group of 78, Ottawa, Canada |
I am
here before you today because of the lack of stability
in Africa. In fact, most Africans who are here in Canada
as refugees or new citizens, have come to this country,
looking for the security and stability that does not
exist in most places in Africa. As a result of that
instability, I established a development agency in Ethiopia.
Because of that same instability, I had to leave the
work of development and become a human rights defender.
It is in this capacity that I address you today. read... |
2006 |
Speech at
the Crown Plaza at the United Nations Hotel, New York |
one dedicated person can make a difference as Ethiopians
seek justice for their country. read... |
2006 |
of the film Betrayal of Democracy: Ethiopia at
the University of California, Los Angeles. |
Metho urges love over hate at the premier of this riveting
and revealing documentary film. The DVD video portrays
the deepening crisis of democracy in Ethiopia under
the current EPRDF government of Prime Minister Meles
Zenawi. read... |
2006 |
Happy Ethiopian
New Year! |
Anuak Justice Council Wishes All Ethiopians Around the
World a Happy Ethiopian New Year read... |
to top |
August 19,
2006 |
News of
continuing killings in Gambella... commentary |
National Defense Forces have ordered the Anuak in over
12 villages in three districts in the Gambella region
of Ethiopia to immediately leave their homes, property
and crops. This causes severe hardship for families
as this is a critical time for the crops, which are
almost ready for harvesting. Some farmers who refused
to leave were beaten and taken to detention centers.
The Anuak Justice Council has received reports that
21 more Anuak were killed in July alone. In one district
alone, Abobo, since the beginning of the year, 31 Anuak
have been reported missing. read... |
July 27,
2006 |
Action is Needed |
When the
Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (AFD) was first formed,
I endorsed the efforts of this group. The AFD was like
the cotton white cloud in the sky over the sun-parched
landscape of Ethiopia that gave us hope that more clouds
would join until life-giving rains might soak the land
and restore its life. I saw diverse Ethiopian groups unifying
around the great principles of freedom, democracy and
the rule of law. However, since that first cloud appeared
in May of this year, attracting some others to it, the
rain has not come. read
... |
June 25,
2006 |
to Ethiopians in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
We must
build positive relationships if we are to make a difference
for Ethiopians. We have problems in our communities
and ethnic groups. As one person or group tries to do
something, others try to sabotage it, usually not openly,
but in quiet conversations with others where the truth
is twisted and others are misrepresented. It is easy
to be critical without offering anything better and
under the pretense of some broader vaguely defined goals
that do not make sense. read... |
June 24,
2006 |
to Ethiopians in Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
Take courage,
get involved and work together as Ethiopians read...
June 15,
2006 |
News of
bus ambush near Gambella |
Anuak Justice Council has been researching the June
11 ambush of a bus near the Gambella region of Ethiopia.
Read local testimonies surrounding this incident.. read...
June 1,
2006 |
View on
the formation of the Alliance for Freedom and Democracy
(AFD) |
is a new reason to celebrate. Something that was never
expected to happen has happened. It has caused a cool,
refreshing wind of change to start blowing over Ethiopia,
from the west to the east, from the north to the south. read
... |
to top |
May 23,
2006 |
to the World Bank, Washington DC. |
I am
not here to defend a political party or position, but
I am hopeful that as a defender of human rights and
also as someone who has been involved in development
in the Gambella region, that I will be able to provide
a helpful perspective and vision regarding the needs
of the Anuak and others suffering in Ethiopia... read
... |
May 15,
2006 |
to the European Parliament Committee on Development, Subcommittee
on Human Rights, Commitee on Foreign Affairs |
Ms. Luisa
Morgantini, Chair, Committee on Development; Ms. Helène
Flautre, Chair, Subcommittee on Human Rights, Ms. Elmar
Brok, Chair, Committee on Foreign Affairs and members
of the committees. Thank you for inviting me to speak
to you about the human rights issues facing the Anuak
of the Gambella region of Ethiopia. read
... |
May 14,
2006 |
Speech to
the Ethiopian Community in London, UK |
afternoon brothers and sisters. I am very honored and
delighted to be here with you in this great city of
London. I am glad to be here as part of the great family
of Ethiopians who want to contribute to a more beautiful
Ethiopia. I thank you for inviting me to talk about
the human rights abuses going on back home that most
of you know about, but may not know specific details. read
... |
May 12,
2006 |
politics Blog |
Obang Metho... sat down with Ethiopian politics Blog,
before leaving for Europe to participate in the Parliamentary
hearings, to discuss a variety of political and human
rights issues concerning Ethiopia." Listen
to the interview... (42:05) |
May 9,
2006 |
Speech to
the Ethiopian Community in Atlanta, Georgia |
Thank you
for inviting me to talk to you about human rights abuses
in Ethiopia. I am thrilled to be with you as brothers
and sisters. I am speaking to you in this city where one
of my heroes is buried—Martin Luther King. What
we are talking about today, ties us to that for which
he stood for when he was alive. read
... |
May 7,
2006 |
Speech to
the the Ethiopian Community in Dallas, Texas |
I am
here to talk about the injustices committed to all classes
and ethnic groups in Ethiopia. Dear brothers and sisters,
we are at a critical juncture of our history and it
will be us who will make this history. Our country is
in such chaos and crisis that if each of us does not
embrace the other, working together with great tolerance,
we will not get out of this mess we are in... read
... |
to top |
April 16,
2006 |
Speech to
“my fellow Ethiopian community” sponsored
by: Upstate New York Ethiopians for Democracy Support
Rochester, New York |
I have
been invited to talk about the gross human rights abuses
taking place in Ethiopia. It is impossible to talk about
this without considering why we have such abuses taking
place throughout Ethiopia. I come not as a member of
a political group. My ambition is not to run for any
political office, but is to contribute to making Ethiopia
a better place for generations to come for all ethnic
groups.. read
... |
April 8,
2006 |
Open letter
to Ambassador Fesseha Asghedom Tessema, Ambassador Charge
d’ Affair Embassy of Ethiopia, United States, Washington,
DC |
Ambassador Tessema: .... In a memo you wrote to Christopher
Smith, Chairman of the House Subcommittee, you expressed
your dismay regarding the way you were questioned and
expressed your opposition to the participation of the
Anuak Justice Council (AJC), pointing out that it was
“an obscure organization” which “lacked
credibility.” read
... |
April 3,
2006 |
Open Letter
to Christopher Smith, United States House of Representatives,
Chairman of the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights
and International Operations |
Chairman Smith and other members of the Subcommittee
on Africa: I am taking this opportunity to thank you
on behalf of the Anuak Justice Council and the Anuak
people. We are overwhelmingly delighted with the opportunity
you gave to the Anuak and to the other oppressed people
of Ethiopia at the recent hearing regarding Ethiopia’s
Troubled Internal
Situation at the House Subcommittee... read
... (pdf) |
March 31,
2006 |
Speech to
Ethiopians at “Free Ethiopia” event sponsored
by Advocacy Ethiopia Washington Marriott, Washington DC |
...I am
not part of any political party. I am a human rights defender.
I came this week to testify for my people, and what I
mean by my people, please do not think I only mean the
Anuak who died on December 13, 2003, but instead I am
here for all Ethiopians who have suffered from oppression
throughout Ethiopia. read
... |
March 28,
2006 |
to the United States House Subcommittee on Africa, Global
Human Rights and International Operations |
Chairman Smith, members of the subcommittees, Thank
you for inviting me to testify on Ethiopia today. I
would also like to thank you for organizing this hearing
and your work over the years to bring a just, lasting
peace in Ethiopia. I request that my statement be submitted
into the record in its entirety. read
... |
2005 |
The Anniversary
of the Genocide of the Anuak: Two Years Later and Still
No Justice |
13, 2005 will mark the second anniversary of the massacre
of 424 Anuak educated leaders in Gambella, Ethiopia who
were hacked, clubbed and shot to death by Ethiopian defense
troops and some highlander militia groups in a three-day
orgy of killing. Human rights investigators report that
the number of dead or those who have disappeared may actually
total more than fifteen hundred persons. Yet, the Ethiopian
government refuses to acknowledge any responsibility...
... |
to top |
2005 |
Planner of the Anuak Genocide is the New Governor of Gambella:
Omot Obang Olom Is Rewarded for His Loyalty to the EPRDF |
... He
earned his way to power by becoming “a true citizen
of the government” as he was dubbed by the Head
of the Federal Government Security, Alemaw Alamiru, who
congratulated him after a rigged election on Thursday,
September 29, 2005. Mr. Alamiru was one of Olom’s
co-partners in planning the Anuak genocide of December
13, 2003 when 424 intellectual Anuak leaders were massacred
within three days. As one of the primary masterminds and
executors of the genocide, Omot Obang Olom, is himself
an Anuak, making him the most despised of all Anuak. read
... |
April 5,
2005 |
Government Again Attempts to Use Their “Bag of Tricks”
Who really are these six soldiers who are to be put on
trial? |
happening again. In an attempt to deny their integral
role in the massacre of Anuaks in the Gambella region
of southwestern Ethiopia, the EPRDF government of Prime
Minister Meles Zenawi has made another attempt to dupe
the international community. They market their earnestness
in “dealing with the Gambella problem” while
deftly executing a “bait and switch” tactic. read
... |
March 20,
2005 |
Rights violations against the Anuak people of the Gambella
region of southwestern Ethiopia continue to occur on a
regular basis. |
Human Rights
violations against the Anuak people of the Gambella region
of southwestern Ethiopia continue to occur on a regular
basis. However, during the past month, a major change
has occurred in that the Ethiopian Defense troops have
been pulled out of the Gambella region in small numbers
and are instead being deployed near the Eritrea border
of Ethiopia due to the tension there. Now, militia troops
are coming to replace them and have proven to be equally,
if not more aggressive towards the local Anuak. read
... |
2005 |
of Extra-judicial Killings, Torture and Disappearances
of Anuak Continuing in Gambella region of Ethiopia. |
...On December
22, 2004 three young men, ages 17, 18 and 20, were bathing
in the Baro River about seventy-five kilometers from Gambella,
when an Anuak man, fishing in the river, witnessed approximately
eight federal defense forces handcuff the three men and
forcibly take them away. No one knew what had happened
to them until January 15, 2005. At this time, some Anuak
farmers were traveling from Bonga, on their way to Kubon
Village and smelled something. As they investigated, they
found three men’s corpses tied with their backs
against trees. It was apparent that they had been shot. read
... |
2005 |
The Ethiopian
Government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi Continues Opportunistic
and Multidimensional Attacks on the Anuak of the Gambella
Region of Ethiopia |
The massacre
of ethnic Anuak in the Gambella region of Ethiopia has
been going on for a year now. The Ethiopian government
defense forces, behind closed doors, have continued the
perpetration of massive human rights violations. The crimes
committed, have remained unpunished. The Ethiopian authorities,
in justifying this massacre, reconstruct a wholly different
reality, calling it a legitimate campaign against “anti-peace
elements”, thereby giving “reason” to
perpetuate their attack on these people. read
... |